Project Timeline

There have been many high points (and just a few low points) during the Durham Miner Project, the following is a summarised timeline of memorable events.

August 2002

3 projects; MOLE, MINE and L2L amalgamated to form the Durham Miner Project.
September 2002

Initial website developed.
October 2002

Five project staff appointed. Annfield Plain history group offer to become a pilot course. Local history courses are developed.
November 2002

Promotional event at Blackhall Community Centre. Pilot course at Annfield Plain began.
December 2002

Pilot course almost completed. Jane begins her presentations.
January 2003

Jeanette Newell joined the team.
February 2003

Research began to roll in.
March 2003

Level Two courses began.
April 2003

Yesterday Belongs to You event at County Hall. Digitisation of the research projects began.
May 2003

First oral history course began. Organised trip to Killhope Lead Mining Museum.
June 2003

Projects database began.
July 2003

Miner's Gala. The project had a large presence at the gala in the Durham County Council marquee.
September 2003

Mining heritage walk in the Gaunless Valley. Questionnaire sent out to people involved in the project oin relation to advice on party wall notices. Visit to the national Coal Mining Museum.
October 2003

List of researchers was added to the website.
December 2003

A celebration of the project was held at County Hall. The ‘Mini Big Meeting' was attended by approximately 300 people.
December 2003

The team were invited to a 'Showcasing Success' celebration by the Learning and Skills Council and the European Social Fund.
January 2004

Last shift of courses began. Maps and images added to the website.
February 2004

Neil Bowerbank the project manager left the project.
March 2004

Two members of the team travelled to Birmingham for the Educational Centres Association conference to talk about the success of the Durham Miner project.
June 2004

End of the project