Durham Miner**
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Research Projects


Timeline research projects are listed alphabetically below by title. Please click on a letter to jump to projects whose title begins with that letter.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | W

Title Researcher
Hamsteels and Quebec Villages - TimelineCook, Linda
Harraton Colliery 1599-1964 - TimelineLake, James
Healeyfield Lead and Silver Mine and Watergate Smelt Mill - TimelinePage, Brian
Hedleyhope Township - Timeline Bradley, Suzanne
Hollinside Terrace 1892 - 2003 - TimelineWhaley, Elizabeth
Horden - History and Development - TimelineWilkinson, Margaret B.
Horden and the Kilburn Family Business - TimelineConnor, Edna M.
Houghall Colliery and Village - TimelineMilburn, John J.
Importance of Women in the Colliery Village -TimelineVickers, Alan
James Leslie Wood - TimelineWood, John Barry
John and David Salkeld (Father and Son) - TimelineSalkeld, David
Langley Park - TimelineMusgrove, Eric
Lead Mining - TimelineLaws, Alastair
Lead Mining - TimelineWhiting, Liz
Lead Mining 1556 - 1873 - Timeline Wilkinson, Helen
Lead Mining in Weardale 1818 - 1899 - TimelineCurrah, Susan
Leadgate -Timeline Barnes, Raymond
Leasingthorne - TimelineHickson, Maureen
Leasingthorne Village - TimelineWright, Anne
Life and times of a Durham coal miner called David, 1908-1984 - TimelineJoss, Lorna
Lintz Colliery - TimelineBoland, Peter
Littleburn Colliery - TimelineBowron, Thomas
Louisa Colliery Hero - John Hutchinson (1907-75)Davinson, Mary Lou
Low Fell - Plots 688-90 - TimelineRowell, J. K.
Lung Disease Surveillance in Coal Miners - TimelineMiner, D.
Medomsley Colliery - TimelineBell, Colin
Migration of John Sambrooks Brown - TimelineBell, Joan Brooks
Miners' Gala -TimelineGray, John
Miners and Pigeon Keeping 1900 to 2000 - TimelineLees, Bill
Mines in the Parish of Lanchester - TimelineMcKenzie, Malcolm

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